Successful Launch of International Pilot Training within ERASMUS+ Project DigiPsyRes

The International Pilot Training, titled “Step by step from trainees to trainers (Training for peers’ support to improve psychological and digital resilience by networking),” commenced with the realization of the first subprogram on December 18, 2023.
Led by the team from the University of Bydgoszcz in Poland, the project’s team realized Program A, “Psychological Resilience, Well-being, and Support,” as the first of three subprograms in this training. Conducted in English and utilizing a hybrid format, the training took place simultaneously in six groups, engaging 60 participants across three partner universities (University of Kragujevac, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland, and University of Foggia, Italy).
The goal of the international pilot training is to test the training programs collaboratively developed by project team members within the framework of the ERASMUS+ strategic partnership project “Enhancing Digital and Psychological Resilience through Peer Networking in the Online Environment in Times of Crisis - DigiPsyRes,” which brings together the three aforementioned universities. 
Students and staff from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak participated in a dynamic, engaging, and experiential learning that encouraged the expansion of knowledge and deepened understanding of psychological resilience, stress management, and social support. Following each workshop within the training, participants had the opportunity to exchange insights in a virtual environment with groups simultaneously working in Poland and Italy on the same topics. Ultimately, this initial pilot training demonstrated that support and resources are available within the academic environment, and intergroup discussions facilitated the identification of diverse means of support.
The pilot training will continue simultaneously at all three universities on January 10, with the implementation of Program B which focuses on digital resilience, and on January 12, 2024, with the realization of Program C, focusing on peer psychosocial support and networking within the university context.